“Experimental TES-HIENET” offers seminars for a lot of computer programs like Word, Excel, Front Page, Coral Draw s.o.
“Experimental TES-HIENET” throughout it’s long history, at times has organized IT seminars, in order to educate its members in New Technologies and especially in computers.
Computers have now entered our lives for good and their knowledge is now considered necessary in any job description. Our seminars were designed to help you meet the modern world’s needs and requirements, discover computers and get all the necessary knowledge that will help you to improve the efficiency of your work and improve your curriculum.
By following one of our programs we gave the opportunity to combine the knowledge with the acquisition of a certification depending on the program chosen to follow ( Microsoft Office Specialist, I.C3). Our programs were specially designed to appeal to beginners and advanced students, although knowledge of computer use was not a prerequisite.
The seminars were divided into four sub-categories:
for Children from 6 to 12 years old
for young people from 12 to 18 years old
for Adults
Express seminars
The groups were not created exclusively by age but by seminar of choice.
We provided:
One computer per student.
One teacher per student.
Specially designed exercises and tests
Specially designed tests to prepare for the certification exam
Microsoft Office Specialist (M.O.U.S) and Internet and Computing Core Certification (I.C3)
Free Notes on the syllabus
Hands-on training at our facility if a computer was not available.
Our members had the option to attend these seminars for a nominal fee.
The Seminars included on a monthly basis:
Four instructional two-hour sessions to attend a specialized seminar of the member’s choice on a predetermined day and time.
Eight hours of practice, games and Internet on days and times of the member’s choice.
Collaboration on computer, cultural issues etc. in Greek, English, French, Spanish, Swedish and German with European Volunteer Trainers. (E.V.S.)*
*Our programs, “Walkabout Computers” and Computer Adventure were approved by the Ministry of Education.
(General Secretariat for Youth: 98-GR-7261 and 0-GR-7305 respectively.)
Classes had a maximum of eight students.