Here is a short description of youth comics project:
Youth Comics or Youth Connection via Comics with the assistance of our Organization in the early 2000s.
The project is about Creation of a series of comic books, which contain articles and sketches written by the members of Hienet – Experimental – T.E.S. and the E.V.S. Volunteers. It was distributed in the institute s area (Piraeus) and to our partner organizations all over Europe.
This activity included:
- Collection of information for the articles
- Writing articles about educational, cultural, social, economic, European, actual, New Technologies and youth-concerning subjects.
- Set-up and Layout of the magazine Printing (this had to be done by a professional company)
- Publishing in the Internet (By HIENET)
The aims were:
- To give information about European projects like EVS.
- To give ideas about other cultures (especially through the volunteers).
- To inform about social problems like drugs, Aids, pollution,… and to open discussions about those subjects.
- To give the institute s youngsters a possibility to express themselves.
- To present Hienet – Experimental – T.E.S activities and events.